Kampo medical doctors & practitioners list


Dr. Bernd Kostner

Address: Hochstraße 4a, 1230 Wien, Austria

Tel: +43 1 888 7307

Speciality: Kampo, TCM, General Medicine, Osteopathy

Language: German, English, French, Italian, Japanese


Dr. Kazusei Akiyama


Address: Rua Cubatão, 86 cj.1101, Paraíso, São Paulo SP, 04013-000 Brazil

Tel: +55-11-3885-0788

Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Medical Acupuncture, Internal Medicine, Intergrative Medicine, Preventive Medicine

Language: Brazilian Portuguese, English, Japanese


Dr. Silke Cameron


Address: Klinikum Hann. Münden, Vogelsang 105, 34346 Hann. Münden

Email: s.george@khmue.de / m.jenssen@khmue.de

Tel: +49 5541 996-418 / -328 (Secretary: Ms. George / Ms. Jenssen)

Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterogy

Language: German, English, Japanese

Dr. Aoi Marker


Address: Triftstrasse 13, 80538 München-Lehel

Email: info@praxis-marker.de

Tel: +49 89 2601 9080
Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Japanese Accupuncture, Moxa

Language: German, English, Japanese

Dr. Heidrun Reißenweber-Hewel


Address: Bahnhofstraße 108, 82166 Gräfelfing/München

Email: info@japanische-medizin-muenchen.de

Tel: +49 89 41617461

Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Japanese Acupuncture, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology

Language: German, English, French, Japanese

Dr. Cornelia Tauber-Bachmann


Address: D-63755 Alzenau, Wasserloser Str. 32

Email: dr_c_tauber@yahoo.de
Tel: +49 6023 1332

Speciality: Accupuncture, Natural Healing, General Medicine, Psychotherapy, Nutrition Medicine, Travel Medicine, Palliative Medicine

Language: German, French, Spanish, Italian


MD, PhD. T. Sakiyama, Honorary member of JSOM

Address: 1. Ginza, Tokyo    2. Chofu, Tokyo    3. Shin-Yokohama, Kanagawa

Tel: 1. +81 3 5524 7700    2. +81 424 900 700    3. +81 45 472 2911

Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Pediatrics

Language: Japanese, English

MD, PhD. Yoshinobu Nakada


Address143 Shimokasuya, Isehara, Kanagawa, 2591193 Japan

Tel+81 463 93 1121 (Ext. 2249)

Language: Japanese

MD, PhD. Tetsuhiro Yoshino


Address: Center for Kampo Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine, 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan 1608582

Email: tetta213@keio.jp

Tel: + 81 3 5366 3824

Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Internal Medicine

Language: Japanese, English


Dr. Sigrid Bormann and Dr. Ulrich Eberhard


Address: C/ Maestro Lassalle, 36, 28016, Madrid

Email: info@medicosparati.es 

Tel: +34 91 564 3887

Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Accupuncture, Moxabustion, Natural Healing, General Medicine, Travel Medicine, Phytotherapy, Microbiologic Therapy

Language: Spanish, German

United Kingdom

Gretchen De Soriano

Address: Kailash Centre, 7 Newcourt Street, St Johns Wood, London, NW8 7AA
Tel: +44 207 722 3939 (Kailash Centre)
Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Acupuncture
Language: English, Japanese

Atsuko Fritz


Address: 50 Eastbury Grove, London, UK, W4 2JU

Email: atsuko@healingsequence.com

Tel: +44 7931 794 952

Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Acupuncture

Language: Japanese, English

United States of America

Nigel Dawes M.A. L.Ac.


Address32 Union Square East Suite 915, New York, NY 10003

Email: nigelkampo@gmail.com

Tel: +1 646 732 8097

Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Acupuncture, Shiatsu

Language: English, Japanese

Dr. Gregory Plotnikoff


Address: 1409 Willow Street, Suite 501, Minneapolis, MN 55403

Tel: +1 612 345 5029

Speciality: Kampo Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics


Language: English, Japanese

Eric Raymond Buckley, DO


Address490 B. West Zia Road, Suite 4, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

Tel: +1 505 913 3820

SpecialityAcupuncture, Oriental Medicine

Language: English