Clinical practitioners, researchers or other professionals who have dedication to Japanese Kampo Medicine and are interested in international communication and collaboration in this field are cordially invited to join the society.
Prospective members should send in a curriculum focussing on their personal history with Kampo medicine. Eligibility requirements are viewed by the members of the Executive Board.
The application form below should be sent to one of the three members of the Executive Board by email:
President: Silke Cameron, Göttingen, Germany: mail@isjkm.com; silke.cameron@med.uni-goettingen.de
Vice-President: Yoshiharu Motoo, Kanazawa, Japan: motooy55@gmail.com
Treasurer: Gretchen De Soriano, London, UK: kampouk2@gmail.com

The membership fee is 50 British pounds or 60 Euro per annum. The fee should be paid at the time of affiliation to the society’s bank account and at the beginning of each year thereafter.
Pay by bank transfer to the new UK's account
Please make international transfer to:
Name of bank: Metro Bank UK
Account Holder: International Society for Japanese Kampo Medicine
Account Number: 54618972
Sort Code: 23-05-80
IBAN: GB87MYMB23058054618972
Subscribe membership
The membership fee is 50 British pounds per annum. We charge an extra 5 British pounds per annum due to the transaction fee. The fee will be charged annually.